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My Earrings Won't Click In, What Can I Do ?

We're sorry that you're having trouble closing your earrings. We use high-quality stainless steel, but sometimes these natural metals can be quite soft.

Here is an easy way to fix this: 

- Take the earring in the open position and gently use your thumb to push up on the curved post.

- By doing this gently, you will slightly push the curved post upwards, allowing the earring to close again with a tighter “click.” If you find that the earring still doesn't close, you may have pushed the curved post up too much.

- Try pushing on it slightly to move it downwards a bit, then attempt to snap the earring closed again. You can adjust the curved post up or down until you hear it click securely into the locking position.

Making this small adjustment from time to time will keep your earrings tight and working like new! ✨

Hoops not closing, how to fix it ?


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